The best tools I’ve had are made of wood and steel, my favorite goods have been made of leather. More so when the items in question have been made by hands that designed them with a purpose, custom-suited to its task or with someone specific in mind.
There is an honesty and a value to shaping materials you love with your hands, your heart and your mind. There is a manic joy that comes from taking unrefined or raw materials and shaping them into something that can last for generations.
A joy of taking care of your tools, making sure they don’t become pitted, rusted or dull and knowing
that in return… they will take care of you and be great partners.
A joy in the frustration that comes from failing at something, when the short-term failure isn’t as bad as the idea of NOT learning that thing we want to know how to make.
There is a magic in learning to exercise your will in such a way that you are able to shape your world, or at least come small objects in it, in a such a way that when you finish your work you look upon what you have wrought and you can say that it is good.
If you’ve never experienced the joy of making something that then exists in the real three-dimensional world, an artifact to explain to future archaeologists who and what you were, I would love to encourage you to do so.
Maybe if you do, you’ll end up with an excitement that looks just a *little* bit frightening behind your dust mask and safety goggles.
If getting your hands cracked and dirty, and your lungs full of sawdust (despite proper precautions) isn’t for you, I sincerely hope you enjoy the crafts and objects I share with you on the blog.