Lucas Weismann

Update 4/20

Heh.  Not that kind of 420 update.  Traveling with either allergies or a cold (haven’t decided which yet),  and no where to be until friday is forcing me to take it slow.  I missed two days of writing and it did NOT feel good.  Possibly one day.  I’m a bit hazy.

However, I’m slowly making my way to prague and I’m hoping I can find enough lemsip, tea, coffee and general soupy things to keep me well through the weekend.  I’m sure that once I’m around people, my pathological need to not show weakness around strangers (especially to remain professional) will cover most of this.

In the meantime I’m headed out to the Chapel of Bones on the border between Poland and the Czech Republic.  Looking forward to it.  Especially since today’s weather is perfect for this particular type of tourist attraction.  Grim, gray and threatening to rain at any moment.  This makes me happy.

I’d love to hear from anyone what strange and wonderful things they’ve encountered on their travels that was either odd, macabre or just unique to the area they visited.  What is it that made it special to you?

More updates in the hopper, talk to you soon!


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